
Cross Tasmania Gravel Adventure Terms & Conditions


The Après Vélo Cross Tasmania Gravel Adventure is subject to these terms and conditions. By booking your trip and paying a deposit, you confirm that you are over the age of 18 and have read, understood and accept these terms and conditions in their entirety.


The prices displayed online online include taxes where applicable and are the agreed price to be paid at the time of booking. A deposit is payable to confirm your booking and the balance payment is due 120 days prior to your tour commencement date.


Upon receipt of your Booking Form, we will make contact with you to confirm the status of your booking and finalise any additional information we may require. Thereafter we will issue you with an invoice for deposit payment. We accept payment by credit card, Paypal or bank transfer. Upon receipt by us of your deposit payment, your booking becomes confirmed and notification will be provided to you in this regard.

Your Responsibilities

You shall:

  1. Sign waiver form prior to commencement of the trip.
  2. Have adequate and appropriate travel insurance for the trip. To this end  we recommend travel insurance be taken out within a week of booking the trip, as it should provide protection to cover your cancellation fees should the need arise.
  3. Ensure you are of an appropriate level of fitness to participate in our Tasmania trip.
  4. Provide a medical certificate to us in this regard and notify us of any medical ailments from which you suffer that may compromise your ability on any parts of the tour.
  5. Follow the instructions of our professional ride guide at all times.
  6. Wear a helmet at all times whilst cycling.
  7. Not cycle when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  8. Cycle on the left hand side of the road, at ALL times.
  9. Respect all road signs and traffic lights.
  10. Respect other road users who are not involved in the tour.
  11. Wear your helmet at all times.
  12. Have the necessary skills to ride safely in a group bunch scenario both on bitumen and on gravel terrain.


Your participation in the Après Vélo Tasmania tour is conditional upon you having adequate travel insurance for the trip. It is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance fully covers all of your personal requirements, including lost baggage, cancellation charges, medical expenses and repatriation in the event of an accident or illness. Your insurance must cover you for cycling activities and the associated risks, as well as your cycling equipment. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, Après Vélo will not be liable for any losses arising in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.


You hereby confirm and acknowledge that your bike shall be suitable for your trip, well maintained and in good condition. You shall also be solely responsible for assembling, repairing and maintaining your bike during your trip. If you rent a bike during your trip, you are responsible for checking prior to riding it that it is suitable for your trip, well maintained and in good condition. You shall be responsible for repairing and maintaining your rented bike during your trip, and returning it in the condition you hired it or as agreed with the third party supplier you hired it from.


Upon receipt of your Booking Form, we will make contact with you to confirm the status of your booking and finalise any additional information we may require. Thereafter we will issue you with an invoice for deposit payment. We accept payment by credit card, Paypal or bank transfer. Upon receipt by us of your deposit payment, your booking becomes confirmed and notification will be provided to you in this regard.

Final Payment – unless otherwise agreed in writing, the final payment must be received by Après Vélo no later than 120 days prior to the Tour commencement date.

Where a Booking is made less than 120 days before the Tour commencement date, full payment must be made at the time of the Booking.

If payment is made by credit card, a surcharge will be added to the total price. The current surcharge for all credit cards is 1.5% of the total price.

If payment has not been received by due date, Après Vélo reserves the right to cancel your booking. Under these circumstances, your deposit will not be refunded.

Cancellations by the Customer

Should you need to cancel your trip for whatever reason, please give us notice by emailing, after which we will confirm your cancellation with an email.

Charges – Unless otherwise agreed by Après Vélo and the Customer in writing, the following cancellation charges are payable by the Customer based on the number of days prior to the Tour commencement date.

• 121 days or more: receive a refund of all payments already made (excluding deposit).
• 120 – 91 days prior: refund of 25% of payments already made (excluding deposit).
• 90 – 0 days prior: No refund available.

The Customer agrees the sums referenced in the cancellation provisions above are not a penalty and represent a genuine pre-estimate of the loss and damage to which Après Vélo will be subject in the event of such cancellation. These include, amongst other costs but not limited to, fees charged by hotels and travel suppliers to Après Vélo for cancelled bookings, plus costs associated with work undertaken to date.

Après Vélo may treat a Booking as cancelled and levy cancellation charges if the Customer does not pay the balance of the Travel Arrangements price at 120 days prior to the Tour commencement date.

Based upon the above provisions, travel insurance is mandatory and should be taken out within a week of booking the trip, as it should provide protection to cover your cancellation fees should the need arise. It remains your responsibility to take out adequate and appropriate insurance in this regard.


Trip alterations and cancellations by Après Vélo

We reserve the right to cancel or alter your trip at any time prior to your departure date, due to events outside of our control, such as but not limited to: acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster, epidemic or pandemic, terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, or collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident (together ‘‘Events Outside Of Your Control.” We also reserve the right to cancel or alter your trip at any time prior to your departure date (at our discretion), although we assure you that we will only do this when strictly necessary, and will inform you immediately of any such alterations.
In the event we need to cancel the Tasmania trip for any reasons outlined above, you will be entitled to receive a full refund of all monies paid. We will not be liable for any flight or insurance costs you have incurred (it is for this reason we recommend you arrange travel insurance when you book with us).
We reserve the right to make accommodation and route modifications which may became necessary due to circumstances beyond our control and undertake to inform participants as soon as possible.


Prior to the commencement of the trip, you are required to sign this waiver form.

Après Vélo is not liable for personal injury, death, damage to property or other loss whether arising from accident, cancellation, delays or any other matter beyond our control.By booking your trip, you: acknowledge that you have received and read all guidance provided by us in relation to your trip; accept that any guidance given by us as regards climate, clothing, special equipment, topography etc is done so in good faith, but accept that we cannot confirm its accuracy or completeness; acknowledge that it is your responsibility to arrange insurance to cover you during your trip; confirm that you are aware of the physically strenuous nature of your trip and accept the risks and hazards of our trips, including the dangers inherent in cycling either on the road or off the road and any risks that result from (amongst other things) adverse weather conditions and the variable condition of roads and/or tracks; accept that: (a) whilst we may refer you to external activity operators during your trip, we have not done any due diligence on these external activity operators and do not provide any guarantee as to the services they provide; and (b) we shall not be liable for the acts or omissions of external activity operators and you participate in all activities organised by any such third parties on their terms and conditions and at your own risk. Confirm that you are sufficiently fit and healthy to complete your trip and are aware of no medical reason or condition which would prohibit you from completing your trip; accept the potential for (amongst other things) delays, alterations, loss of or damage to property, inconvenience and discomfort; and accept that subject to paragraph below, you participate in your trip, and cycle, at your own risk.


Nothing in these terms & conditions limits or excludes our liability to you for death or personal injury caused by our negligence. To the extent your property is lost or damaged due to our negligent acts or omissions, we shall be liable for the cost of repairing or replacing any such property, up to a maximum of $2,500 and we therefore suggest you bear this in mind when packing for your trip. Without prejudice to the above, our entire financial liability whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise (including any liability for the acts or omissions of our employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors) to you in respect of any foreseeable breach of these terms and conditions shall be limited to the amount you paid for your trip. We shall not be liable to you for any: loss of, or damage to, your property caused by your own act or omission; claim for disappointment; or claim for loss of enjoyment; or loss incurred as a result of Events Outside of Our Control; or loss incurred due to the theft of bicycles; or loss incurred due to injury as a result of cycling either on or off road, unless such injury is caused by our negligence; or loss related to any business of yours such as lost data, lost profits, loss of business, loss of contracts, loss of goodwill or other business loss that you may incur as a result of any breach of these terms and conditions; or other special, indirect or consequential losses. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect your statutory rights.
If you have any concerns while on your trip, please communicate those concerns directly with your Après Vélo and allow us to address them immediately.

Protection of Personal Information

We will use the personal information you provide to us to: provide your trip; process your payment for your trip; and inform you about similar products or services that we provide. We will not give your personal data to any other third party.


Après Vélo has the unconditional right to use all images/photography/videography taken on tour, for its marketing and promotional use, including but not limited to Social Media and Electronic Digital Mail.








About This Tour
